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Monday, May 09, 2011

A blog a day in May ~ The day after

Sometimes the day after the main event is better than the day of. Maybe it's the feeling of expectations unmet, maybe it's feeling like you didn't do it well enough for someone else. Who knows.
But my day after was the best. With husband home, there was less stress of the daily stuff and even a little more "me" time. Entire family up by 7:15am. Everyone helping out this morning. Husband drove carpool to school today. Pedi's with a friend to start my day. Lots of outside sunshine. Husband cleaned inside and out of both cars and outside of the camping trailer. Deck cover went up, clean cushions on chairs, 2 of 3 meals outside. Husband even cooked dinner. Not sure where the day went but there was lots of light so it doesn't even matter, or I don't really care!
It was a good day. Strange prose in this post, but today was a good day.

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