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Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy 4

to my dear little McKenna. I can't believe she is 4! She is my baby, and a bit of a miracle baby at that. She had a really rough [2nd half] pregnancy and first year. But here she is, apparently LM-free, bouncing around on those once-braced hips. We had a school party together Thursday. We had family and close friends over to the new house Saturday night and Sunday she had her gymnastics-Toy Story party. She was so exhausted, she slept in till 8:30 this morning!! (and that after the time change!!)

So here's happy fourth birthday to my bouncy, snuggly little girl. She keeps us on her toes (and probably will through teenage-hood) but her hugs make every tear and tantrum well worth it. :)

Happy Birthday, McKenna Michelle!

1 comment:

Janneke said...

Happy Birthday!!! Adorable photo :)