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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A blog a day in May ~ Hey, I made it back!

Okay, even I didn't think I'd write two days in a row. And this is live writing - not pre-scheduled. AND I've even got a list of things to blog about in days to come.

Wait, is that what scheduled means? Pre-scheduled? I don't know, look it up.

So, after getting home from MOPs (Moms of Preschoolers) today - never heard of it? don't have one? Google it - if you're a mom, you need it!

Anyway, today Miss B (names and faces have been changed to secure identity) spoke to us mainly about encouraging following through at home with what happens in church. Ah, Miss B. If you're a @GraceOC'r, and if you know her as I do, you'll agree that she is a God-sent angel walking this earth, if there is such a thing. Although, she'd deny it and give it back to God, she's good at that.

Anyhoo, I'll try to add some references at the end, but on my slow-drive home, it dawned on me that there is one thing that I am absolutely, positively sure of that is about me. I am a kid person. That's it. That's today's revelation, apparently. I've always had kids in my life, from babysitting at a young age, to co-coaching at age 13, to running a youth gymnastics program at a local school near my college, to be on a cognitive psychology lab team having to do with - yes, you guessed it - kids. Teaching preschool out of college, coaching again and again... and ultimately home with my own.

I remember when my now ten-year-old nephew was born, I flew down to take care of him for a week while his mom went back to finish school. Man, I used to just sit and stare at that tiny jelly bean while he was sleeping and sound. I find peace in children.

4/18/2011 -- hike lookout overlooking the Hudson
Today I was visiting with my mom in the one-year-old room during MOPs and a few were teary so I let myself in, plopped on the floor and got to playing. Phones, piggy banks, a big ball. Even got a known-crier cutie girl to stop crying and talk to me. It's like a magic. God has built me with some kind of kid-magic, I guess.

Let's pause here for a moment. Two of my own is perfect for me. For some reason I have a ton more patience with others' kids than I do with my own and I'm fully aware of my limits. So no, there will not be anymore kids added to our family. Maybe just dogs.

So while I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with my life, I know it will have something to do with kids. Hoping from here, God will lead me.

Rick Warren 

Raising children is one of God's primary ways to teach you unselfishness.
A few at-home references: 
My First Look << and by the way, the creature from this site inspired the walls in our very own Pre-K Promiseland walls!

Project Scraproom Overhaul: today is get that floor corner cleaned up, as seen in the post below this one, photo #3. 'after' pic coming in a few!

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