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Monday, January 09, 2012

Musical Mondays ~ how it all goes

It was a perfect morning. No request proved too difficult.

Where is my library book, I can't find it anywhere? On your desk.
Can you open my GoGurts? Without scissors, all 3.
Cream cheese on a bagel and lunch in a bag as he walks out the door.
Lunches packed, backpacks on, scooted out the door five minutes early.

Just to name a few.

The rest of the day might not have gone so well, including two sick dogs and an expensive trip to the vet, but still - if it had to be done, Mom got it done that day!

Made me think of all the Mom songs out there -
http://youtu.be/RxT5NwQUtVM is a funny one.
But we all love to feel appreciated so I'm posting this one for now:

Proverbs 31: 30
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, 
   but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. ...and read the rest of Proverbs 31, too!

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